Groups Opposed to $6,000/yr tax

Editorial – John Messina

American freedom has always been dependent on a free press

There is only one side of this issue being printed in the mainstream media. Many media outlets refused to print both sides. I commend those few that are willing to present unbiased coverage of both sides of the issue, even if it may hurt their bottom line. Thank you and


This is a letter from a typical family that own a vacation home in Tahoe.

It is turning into a three-ring circus

Raise the TOT tax, Tax the Vacation Homes, now Destroy our Small Businesses

It should be no surprise that Councilman, Scott Robbins has changed his tactics yet again.

In a last-minute surprise maneuver, Councilman Scott Robins has switched the South Lake Tahoe City Council Agenda for April 23, 2024 at 5:30 pm from a discussion about “How to fund the affordable housing projects” to a discussion about “establishing a local minimum wage”. The documentation is shoddy at best consisting of outdated and irrelevant data: 01-Staff_Report_MinWage_20240417.pdf ( Sorry, but I just cannot take this guy seriously, he continuously insists on wasting our City Council’s valuable time and resources.

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